Take and Make Craft - Yarn-Wrapped Cardboard Roll Monkey Available Today
Monkey around and have some fun making our yarn-wrapped cardboard roll monkey craft!
Billings Public Library
510 North Broadway
Billings, MT 59101
United States
Monkey around and have some fun making our yarn-wrapped cardboard roll monkey craft!
Please join us at the Library on the first Saturday of each month to sit (or stand!) together and enjoy and hour of knitting, crochet, or any other fiber art you would like to bring. This Crochet and Knitting Hour will be from 10
Introducing the musical edition to our ever popular Books and Babies program! Music creates a positive connection to literacy and language between your child (ages 0-2) and you! Join us for books, hands-on musical play and fun!
Practice Reading Skills with a Therapy Dog.
Teens 13-17 can join DM Victor for an exciting campaign!
This week's campaign: Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne
Come get creative with us! We will have different projects to work on at each meet up. No pre-registration is required, unless specifically noted.
Calling all adventurers ages 10-13! Join our exciting Dungeons & Dragons campaign led by a teen DM where you’ll create your own character, work as a team, and explore a world of magic and adventure.
Join us on Saturdays for Certify & Create – an in-depth, hands-on experience at the CO+LAB!
Join us Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:45 pm for games and Legos in the Craft Corner.