The Senior Bookmobile will be at Avantara (formerly Billings Health & Rehab) from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.
Adventures in Story Time
Adventures in Story Time introduces young children to books, rhymes, crafts, and other fun interactive activities. Each session is a chance to practice reading readiness skills like listening during stories, letter awareness and predicting. These skills build the foundational knowledge to prepare children to learn to read.
Adults experiencing memory loss and their caregivers are invited to visit the library to socialize and enjoy an activity together. This event is sponsored by Dementia Friendly Billings and Big Sky Senior Services.
11:00-12:30 Robbie & 45th St W
1:30-2:30 Pioneer School
4:00 -5:00 Hemingway & Poe
The Senior Bookmobile will be at WyndStone from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
Visit the Teen Education and Creation Hub! A place to hang out, play games, and learn! Open to 6th - 12th graders. This is also where our Teen Supply Station is located. Take what you need, no questions asked!
This three-part workshop focuses on the Billings community and how water is moved throughout the area. We will be building a pump, visiting with the local community members, and making a GIANT poster.