The Senior Bookmobile will be at South 40 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.
Come practice speaking out loud! This is an opportunity to use your skills with someone who has also been learning the language. Any level is welcome. Your presenter is not fluent but is continually working to become so.
11:30-2:00 Custer Senior Center
3:00-4:00 Pompey's Pillar
The Billings Public Library Board of Trustees meets monthly throughout the year, with a planning retreat taking the place of the January meeting each year. The monthly meetings usually take place on the second Thursday of each month.
You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! Celebrate the end of Summer Reading with an Ice Cream Social. Ice cream and allergen-free treats will be available.
The Healthy By Design Gardeners’ Market is designed to bring healthy, fresh, local, and affordable fruits and vegetables to the community. The market is also a social meeting place to celebrate health and nutrition.
The Teen Advisory Group's bi-weekly meeting. To attend, please review the TAG description and apply online at