The Senior Bookmobile will be at Affinity from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.
Adventures in Story Time
Adventures in Story Time introduces young children to books, rhymes, crafts, and other fun interactive activities. Each session is a chance to practice reading readiness skills like listening during stories, letter awareness and predicting. These skills build the foundational knowledge to prepare children to learn to read.
The Bike Library is bringing Mom's together! Find the Bike Library at each event.
Bookmobile at Shepherd Senior Meal Site; Community College; Energy Blvd and Daystar Dr
11:30-1:00 Shepherd Senior Center, 5541 Haynes Rd
2:00-3:30 City College, 3803 Central Ave
4:00-5:00 Energy Blvd & Daystar Drive
The Senior Bookmobile will be at The Vista from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
A group of Star Trek fans get together, watch an episode, and discuss! Trivia and behind-the-scenes stories, as well as the themes of the episode and Star Trek in general. Costumes encouraged.
The Turning Page selects titles from the Library's Book Club Kits. Grab your cup for some decaf coffee and join us!