Need Assistance with applying for the Montana Property Tax Rebate? The Billings Public Library is here to help! Attend one of our guided classes where you will receive individual assistance with your rebate.
Teens 13-17 can join DM Victor for an exciting campaign!
Our campaign is currently full. Please keep an eye out for future opportunities!
Who's up for a little adventure--of the tabletop variety? We are hosting continuing campaigns every Saturday in the Large Conference Room.
Ballroom Dancing with Breccia Performing Company
Join Tyson Zentz and Maribel Parman of Breccia Performing Company as they talk about dance, how to start, and what their own process looks like. This event will include a short class and end with a performance.
Join us Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:45 pm for games and Legos in the Craft Corner.
Need Assistance with applying for the Montana Property Tax Rebate? The Billings Public Library is here to help! Attend one of our guided classes where you will receive individual assistance with your rebate.