Big Machine Petting Zoo
The musical edition to our ever-popular Books and Babies program! Music creates a positive connection to literacy and language between your child (ages 0-2) and you! Join us for books, hands-on musical play and fun!
Teens 13-17 can join DM Victor for an exciting campaign!
Did you know that World Wide Knit in Public Day, first declared in 2005, is the largest knitting event in the world?
Big Machine Petting Zoo - A Summer Reading Children's Program
Come see BIG MACHINES in the Library's parking lot!
Who's up for a little adventure--of the tabletop variety? Already a popular program for tweens and teens at BPL, now adults can join the fun!
Join us Saturday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:45 pm for games and Legos in the Craft Corner.